I wrote a story about Neil Gaiman’s toaster

There are many things I should be working on right now, but the idea for this weird story would not release me until I’d written it down.


A Plan Gone A’Rye

In retrospect there were a few holes in the plan. Perhaps he could have been more thorough in his research, but Corsokrops of the Guidant Nebula was morphological life form of action. He was proud that his superiors had selected him for a preliminary role in what was sure to be a spectacular conquest. His assignment was to spy on the most powerful person in America. The intelligence Corsokrops gathered would be key in overthrowing the government. The global chaos following the crumbling of a super power would pave the way for a full scale invasion.

Corsokrops studied American current event publications, to find the one person who would have the most important secrets.  To be honest he skimmed the publications, as he was wont to do. He hated wasting time, not with such a glorious mission at hand. The articles were terribly dry, and while there were some recurring names, they provided few clues. He soon discovered, toward the middle of most of the publications, a list of public figures, ranked in order of importance. The same name appeared at the top of each list. The man carried an impressive title, American Gods. Not just one god—a pantheon. Clearly this was the man Corsokrops was searching for. He infiltrated the man’s home, disguised as an innocuous appliance. He settled in to absorb the state secrets.

He had misgivings from the start. The man’s appearance was altogether unkempt. He had a mass of wild, curly hair, that rose and fell in odd, abrupt angles, and several days’ growth on his chin. His clothes were rumpled and seemed to be chosen only because they were all of one color. There was none of the gravitas Coroskrops expected in one of his station. The man, for his part, regarded Corsokrops skeptically.

“Have I always had this toaster?” he wondered aloud. Corsokrops emitted a high pitched hum. A subliminal tone to assure the man that he had indeed always had this toaster and there was nothing to be alarmed about. The disheveled man shrugged and loaded Corsokrops with two slices of raisin bread.

This is where the plan started to fall apart. He had chosen the form because he had seen it in numerous American homes. It rarely appeared to be in use. Not like the large cold box or or the radiation cooker. He believed its function to be primarily esthetic. Of course he had made his studies late in the evenings. He was not one to wake early if he didn’t need to. The bread played havoc with his central processor. Soon he was billowing smoke from very uncomfortable parts of his anatomy.

“What’s the use of a toaster that won’t toast?” The man grumbled. He turned Corsokrops over and dislodged the charred bread. Corsokrops was grateful for his assistance, but damned embarrassed just the same. What a terrible miscalculation! “And look at this mess!” The man sighed. “Crumbs everywhere.” He lifted Corsokrops and carried him toward the waste receptacle. Corsokrops hummed frantically. “Well…maybe it can be fixed,” the man said, setting him back on the counter.

This routine repeated daily, but Corsokrops was initially optimistic. He could connect into the man’s electric thought translators. There was no doubt he was gathering vital information. There was a crisis brewing involving a woman with clothing fasteners for eyes, luring children into a parallel dimension. Corsokrops’s superiors would be very interested in this. The woman could be a valuable distraction or a formidable wrench in their plans.

He paid close attention to the event as it unfolded. A female child was currently in her clutches, but surprisingly it looked as though this insignificant minor could gain the upper hand. Corsokrops waited on baited vapor to learn the outcome. It was slow coming. Almost as if the man didn’t always know what was happening. Sometimes the events seemed to shift and rearrange themselves. As though reality had changed its mind. The eventual conclusion was not, as it turns out, relevant to the invasion plans. It was still quite satisfying.

He continued to watch the man’s devices, searching for vulnerabilities in the country’s defenses. America was far stranger than he’d initially realized. Sometimes it was called England. Ghosts often popped up. And assassins. Deities died and were born. For a while an entity called the Doctor was looking promising. Nothing came of it.

Corsokrops feared his superiors were growing impatient. He  was desperate to produce something of value. He expanded his searching to older thought translators. The man was constantly discarding translators in favor of faster, more distracting models. He found vast records of unusual and engrossing phenomena. A secret city that existed below and concurrent to a well known one. A fallen star that became a sentient being. And the discovery of something called the San Grail.

It was only recently that the penny dropped. The duck pond was what did it. It could not be both a duck pond and an ocean. Preposterous. What he’d taken as accurate histories were in fact flights of fancy from a remarkable—but insignificant to the scheme of things—mind.

He filed a disillusioned report to the home office. They politely informed him that the invasion plans had been scrapped over a decade ago. He was written off as lost in action. Their many extraction orders had gone unanswered. Corsokrops performed a diagnostic test and determined the problem was due to build up of raisins in his incoming message receptors.

“You’ll want me to come back then?”

“All espionage positions are filled at the moment,” the bored sounding bacterial life form said. “I’ll see if I can find you a place in accounts if you like.”

“I guess. No hurry.” The man had finally started the sequel to Neverwhere. Corsokrops hated to leave in the middle.


This story was inspired by this question and answer from an interview with Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer.

9. I don’t really have a relevant question, so I’m just gonna ask how many toasters you have at home?

NG: “There is only one toaster and it is TERRIBLE. It eats toast, and then I have to turn it on its side and shake it to get the toast out. And toast crumbs come out too and go all over the kitchen.

Why do I have such a toaster? Surely I can afford to replace it. Sigh.”

The whole Q&A can be found here.

Micro Story

In my last post I mentioned I attended CONvergence. While there I participated in the Iron Pen Drabble Contest. The challenge was this, write a one hundred word story, in one hour, and must include an object not to be revealed until the start of the contest. This year’s object was a fuzzy blue and yellow beanie with blue and yellow streamers attached to it.

I’d never tried to write a story quite that short before. And definitely not one with so many restrictions. It couldn’t go one word over or under 100. So without further ado, here’s what  I came up with.


Royal Wedding

by Susan Taitel


“This is the happiest day of my life!” Mara’s sister enthused.

“You don’t even know him.”

“He picked me!” She lifted the blue and yellow helm. The traditional noodles swept back and forth as she spoke. “I can’t believe he picked me!”

“I don’t think you’ve thought it through. What about college?”

“It doesn’t matter anymore. He’s the prince.”

Mara watched her older sister proudly stepped to her destiny. The prince’s talons closed around her. Her sister beamed as she was lifted to his gaping maw. As the last yellow streamer disappeared behind the royal teeth, Mara heard “I do.”


If I had to do it again I’d change a few of the words, but it’s 100 words with a beginning, middle, and end.

With Apologies to Lennon and McCartney

All You Need is Love! Is it?

There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.
Because do and done are the same word in a different tense.
There’s nothing you can win that can’t be won.
See above regarding tense.
There’s nothing you can be that isn’t How you’re meant to be…
This is where it gets a little tricky…
‘Cause now we’re talking about fate and pre-determinism. And the question of choice and free will. And by that statement if you kill, you are murderer because you were meant to be a murderer and not because you chose to murder. And that removes all personal responsibility…
All you need love.
And food to keep you alive.
All you need is love.
And a sense of right and wrong.
All you need is love, love, love.
Love isn’t really all you need.
Love isn’t really all you need. But I still love the Beatles.
Love isn’t really all you need. But it’s an awfully good start.
I spend too much of my time arguing with song lyrics.

It’s time to play the music. It’s time reverse the polarity of the neutron flow

So, instead of doing much editing as I planned, before April and starting my new novel, I’ve been drawing. I was hit with an idea. I’ve been doing portraits of the eleven incarnations of the Doctor as Muppets.




Funnily, I didn’t notice it while drawing, but each doctor corresponds with a Muppet.

Eleven—boneless flailing arms, mostly level headed but occasionally explosive, works well with others but clearly in charge, pursued by and “married” to female with big hair and forceful personality—Kermit
Four—wide mouth, wild hair, surrounded by attractive women despite unconventional looks, creates chaos—Animal
Ten—fondness for the eclectic, the more dangerous and impossible the situation the happier he is, sometimes gives in to melancholy—Gonzo
Eight—sleepy-eyed, very little screen time—Zoot
Three—condescending, certain of his own correctness, perpetually disapproving gaze—Sam the Eagle
Six—unpredictable, flamboyant, not especially popular with the fans, destructive—Lew Zealand
Nine—too cool for school, philosopher, usually in the company of a blonde—Floyd Pepper
Seven—likes hats, puts in a valiant effort but ultimately bombs—Fozzie
Five—amiable, low key, earnest—Scooter
Two—is not above heckling, likes when things go wrong, short—Waldorf
One—crabby, old fashioned, would rather observe than participate—Statler

They’re available as a a group and individually at my Red Bubble shop. If they do well I’ll probably do more muppet style portraits.


Progress Report: Good News/Bad News.

Good news: I’m a prophet. I said in my last post I might not make it through the pitch round of ABNA this year and I didn’t. I know the future! The disappointing future!
Bad news: see above re: ABNA. I’m not gutted. As I said in my previous post, the contest is unpredictable, particularly in the first round where everything hinges on 300 words or less. I’m happy with the pitch I wrote. It’s not much altered from the one I wrote last year which resulted in the same book reaching the semifinals. It didn’t help my odds that this year there was only 400 available slots in YA as opposed to the 1000 of last year. I think I likely got a perfectly decent score on my pitch, but it wasn’t enough to squeeze into the top 400. I’m okay with that. And echoing again my last post, there is much to be gained from ABNA that doesn’t include winning or advancing in the contest. This year I got another awesome critique partner (outside of my regular critique group), who already has a great YA book out. I’m looking forward to reading and possibly helping with the sequel, as well as getting her take on Random Acts.
Good News: several of my friends from the board and members of my critique group did make it past round one. I plan on cheering them along to the final round.
Bad news: I heard back from the three agents who had requested the full manuscript of Random Acts. They all passed. Two said they were open to reading it again should I revise and would look at my future projects. One of those two rejections made me cry. Not because it was mean, it was anything but. The agent said they loved the manuscript and thought long and hard about offering to represent. But they didn’t think it was ready.
I wept bitter tears. I wasn’t expecting to take it so hard, I’m usually pretty good at brushing off disappointment and soldiering on.
Sometimes it is hard to see past the “no” and absorb the helpful and positive things the agent/editor/ critic said along with the rejection. All I could see when I read the letter was that I’d come very close to succeeding but it WASN’T GOOD ENOUGH.
After indulging in a tiny pity party, I could then take in that this agent had said they loved my work. That they wanted to see more of it. And had given me good advice on how to improve it. Yes, they’d said it wasn’t good enough, I just hadn’t been able to see the “yet”.
Good news: an editor from a small press saw a twitter pitch* for Random Acts and asked to see the first few pages. Not long after sending the requested pages the editor responded and asked for the entire manuscript. I don’t know if anything will come of it, but just having it looked at by a publisher is a big accomplishment.
Good news: I finished my fifth manuscript, The Living UnDead. It is the final book in a trilogy. And the farewell to characters I created in my very first novel. It’s also my longest book, coming in at 126,000 words (in the first draft. The count is bound to change once I start editing.)
I started it in the summer of 2010, making it the book it took me the longest to complete. I also started and finished both Outlook Grimm and Random Acts of Nudity between starting and finishing this one.
Bad news: I’m not writing. For the first time in two and a half years, I don’t have a work in progress. I know what my next project will be, but since my critique group is planning on doing our own not-National Novel Writing Month in April, I’m waiting until April 1st to start drafting. I plan on using the time until then editing Living Undead to send to my beta readers and on planning the new book.
Good news: I made a chocolate mousse cake!
I got the recipe from the One Pot Chef YouTube channel. It’s probably the got best ease of prep to decadence ratio of anything I’ve ever made.
Bad news: My elliptical broke about a month and a half ago and I haven’t been doing my daily hour of exercise as a result. I was already gaining back some of the pre daily exercise weight, because of all the baked goods before it broke. So I’ve ordered a new elliptical and am trying to cut back on the treats. We’ll see if that helps.
*AS a part of a Twitter pitch event. Authors were invited to pitch their book in a tweet and agents and editors could view them and request. It is never a good idea to randomly pitch to an agent on Twitter or facebook, or any other social media platform, unless they say they re open to that.

Impossible Wish List!

This summer something amazing happened in Minneapolis. Our local modern Art Museum, the Walker Art Center, hosted a cat video film festival. Hundreds of people gathered on the lawn next to the building to watch two hours of Internet cat videos on a giant screen. I got to go. I had a great time. It was like a genii granted a wish I didn’t know I made. So if there is such an entity here in no particular order are a few more impossible wishes you could grant. Once you’ve taken care of war, disease, and hunger of course.

1: Donald Faison and Donald Glover becoming a comedy team called Double Donald that specializes in comedy rap and R&B. They’d be unstoppable.

2: New episodes of Daria using the original creative team and voices. With the characters being the ages they would be today. If only to see if I’m right in my suspicion that Jane Lane is Banksy.

3: A movie centered on Patrick (played by Ezra Miller) from the Perks of Being a Wallflower. (I will be posting a review of Perks, once I can put my feeling about it into words.)

4: The Dr. Who fiftieth anniversary episode featuring at least doctors 8 through 11. In a real story, not some clip/tribute special. I’m torn about 4 through 7, since they look so different from when they were playing the part.

5: Felicia Day turning out to be the mother on How I Met Your Mother. After eight years of build up the mother has got to be really special, and few people are as lovable as Felicia Day. Plus it would be an alternate universe reunion of Penny and Dr. Horrible.

Anyone want to chime in with more wishes?