Reprint Day: Which World Ending Nightmare Are You?

Issue 4 of Archive of the Odd is out today. They specialize in stories in disguise as found object and the art design of the magazine reflects that. My story Which Wold Ending Nightmare Are You? was reprinted in the issue and I love the layout they used, See page one below.

You can purchase the full issue here

Publication Day: Which World Ending Nightmare Are You?

My latest story is out today in If There’s Anyone Left Volume 3. The ebook is available here

Which World Ending Nightmare are You? is the story in the form of a test you never knew you needed. If what you needed is to find out what kind of apocalypse you embody that is.

Publication Day: Guard of the Crossing

My story, Guard of the Crossing, went live this week on Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast.

This story was previously published on SIc Semper Serpent’s Patreon page, so this is its first public outing. And its first audio publication. I really enjoy hearing my stories read by voices other than my own. I think the narrator hit it out of the park.

The Year in Books: 2021

Here we are again. Another year, another wrap-up post.

I’ll cut to the chase. Last year saw three new stories published and one reprint.

The Numbers


Date and Time

Deadbeat (reprint)

That is a new record for story sales for me. Fingers crossed I can beat it this year.

Other highlights for the year include: getting vaccinated, a promotion at work, getting to have in-person outdoor critique meetings with my awesome critique group. At least until the weather and Covid numbers sent us back to Zoom.

I also learned to crochet. You can see what I’ve been working on over at Instagram.

I also took part in the Codex Weekend Warrior Challenge for the first time. Every weekend January hundreds of members of the Codex Writer’s Forum participate in a challenge that requires writing a brand new 750-word maximum story based on a set of prompts that are released on Friday. By Sunday the story has to be uploaded. I found it a great motivator to crank out a story in a short amount of time. In the end I had five new flash stories. Some which stayed as flash and others that got expanded. Most are making the rounds with markets while others need some additional revising before I’m happy with them.While this wasn’t the only writing I did in 2021, it was definitely a highlight. I’m doing the challenge again this year.

Finally, this twitter thread might be my favorite bit of writing from the whole year, just because musical theater and the MCU are two of my happy places. So please enjoy (and please ignore the rampant typos).

On to the numbers!

Last year I read a total of 64 books. 29 print books, 25 ebooks, 10 audiobooks.

Of those:

45 were comics/graphic novels

4 Nonfiction or memoir

13 YA

7 Short Story Collections or Novella

8 borrowed from a friend

3 Borrowed from the library


How the King Of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories by Holly Black, Illustrated by

Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater

Oh Human Star Volume 3 by Blue Delliquanti

Any Way the Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell

You’ll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey by Amber Ruffin and Lacey

Loki Agent of Asgard Vollumes 1,2,3 by Al Ewing

Favorite authers read by the numbers:

Niki Dolson1

Becky Chambers 1

Maggie Stiefvater 1

Karen Osborne 1

Rainbow Rowell 2

Alison Bechdel 1

Brian K. Vaughan 1

Matt Fraction 3

Kelly Thompson 3

Valerie Valdes 1

Blue Delliquanti 1

N.K. Jemisin 4

Holly Black 1

Neil Gaiman 1

Jane Yolen 1

Jason Aaron 10

Also John Wiswell doesn’t currently have a book in print but his short stories consistently surprise and delight.

Publication Day: Date and Time

My third story of the year is out now.

Gif chosen because publication days always make me want to twirl and because there is a tiny bit of ice skating in the story. Though my characters are not nearly as good at it as Yuri.

The idea for this one started out with me noticing that one of my favorite speculative genres is when a mythical or historical figure gets transplanted into mundane settings and scenarios often without much explanation for how they got there. Neil Gaiman’s Chivalry is a good example of one such story. So I’ve had in the back of my mind that I wanted to try my hand at it. But first I had to come up with both a figure to use and a situation to put them in. I don’t remember how I decided on Lady Jane Grey goes on a blind date, but once I did I knew it should be a good date. Her real story is such a sad one, it was cathartic to show a fictional Jane a good time.

The park they go to is a real park in Minneapolis that does host a holiday fair most weekends leading up to Christmas, though not these last two years because panini.

Publication Day: Choosing

I have a story out in Baffling magazine today. It might feel familiar to fans of The Little Mermaid.

But more familiar if you know the original Hans Christian Andersen story.

And while you’re there check out the rest of the issue! Baffling is a relatively new magazine and they are putting out incredibly compelling work. I hope they develop a good following.